All photos by: Steve Garfinkel
Flosstradamus,原本是由 Curt Cameruci 和 Josh Young 组合的电子音乐双人组,被不少媒体、乐迷尊称为“Trap lord”。2016年底,组合宣布解散,由 Curt 继续以 Flosstradamus 的名号演出。去年年底 Flosstradamus 首次亚洲巡演后,不到半年便又回到中国巡演,看得出这位美国 DJ 挺喜欢中国的。
这次 Flosstradamus 在中国的巡演已经结束了,但我们相信,他很快会再回来,毕竟他表示,“还没上过长城呢!”此外,通过这次采访,我们认为他很可能会创造一个新身份来制作不同风格的音乐,敬请期待!
Now, Flosstradamus had already left China, but we’re confident he’ll be back soon, after all, he said, he hasn’t been to the Great Wall yet! In addition, through this interview, we think that he is likely to make up a new identity to create different styles of music.
How have you adapted to your new home in LA this year? Are there any unaccustomed places?
我才刚搬去洛杉矶不久。我一直都有点犹豫,不过2月低时我最终决定还是离开纽约吧。3月1日,我站在洛杉矶街头,却还没有一间属于自己的屋子!我目前还没适应洛杉矶,而且在买到房子前我只能一直在 Airbnb 里寻找住所。
I just moved to LA in March officially. I’ve been kind of floating back and forth, but I finally moved out of New York at the end of February. March 1st, I got to LA and I still don’t have a house! I’m still not accustomed to LA yet. I’m in an Air BNB just kind of floating around hopefully until I buy a house.
LA, NY and Chicago, which city has the biggest influence on your music?
Chicago. Chicago definitely does. I lived in Chicago when I was a younger kid learning about music and all sorts of stuff. It definitely affected me on so many levels, and not just my music.
We heard that you were influenced by your brother during your teenage years and listened to many types of music, and also played drums in a band. What type of music did you listened to the most at that time?
It wasn’t a certain genre. That was the cool thing about my brother. He was playing a rap song one day and a rock and roll song the other day. He never stuck to one thing, and I think that’s what showed me that you don’t have to listen to one thing and do a specific type of music. You can listen to all music and be influenced by all of them.
You’ve said you want to do a different style of music, but it’s likely to make some flosstradamus’s fans less comfortable, have you ever considered creating a new identity to make music in different styles?
对,我确实想过。作为一个音乐人来说,创造一个新身份可以没有顾虑地去做任何尝试。无论是作为我自己 Cure,还是作为音乐人 Flosstradamus,以一个新身份来创作,确实可以抛开很多压力。
Yes I have considered that. I think it also takes off the pressure of anything you want to do as an artist. If you were to make up a new identity, all the pressure is taken off of you as a person. Me as Curt, me as Flosstradamus.
你自己第一次听到“Trap lord”这个称号是什么时候?你怎么看待这个称号?
When was the first time you heard of the title “Trap Lord”? What do you think of this title?
我不太记得第一次听到是什么时候了…你这是在称我为“Trap lord”吗?如果是的话,那我得说:“谢谢!”
I don’t know when the first time was…are you calling ME trap lord? If so, my answer is “Thank you!”
You planed to release a new song every month this year. How do you guarantee such frequency during the tour?
Because I’ve made enough music that I have enough runway ahead of me to put out the songs. At lest now I can put out once a month. If I start going faster, I don’t know if I can catch up.
It’s the second time you’ve been on tour in China, and it’s been less than half a year since last time. I can see that you like here. What impresses you most in China?
Just how young and open minded everyone is about music. At least about my music, trap music. It seems to be very accepting and it feels like it was in the States 5 years ago.
Is there anything you want to do in China that you haven’t done yet?
I wanna see the Great Wall! That’s one thing I haven’t done. Next stop Beijing!
Edit by Ecocean
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