Mixmag 作为全球最为资深与市场认可度的电子音乐媒体之一,自1983年于伦敦成立,从初期面向DJ的小众杂志,通过在其专业领域不停钻研与人才挖掘,并源源不断地对外输送,至今已经成为全球逾亿名乐迷熟知的权威平台。Mixmag独具品味的电子音乐专业鉴赏和深耕推广的跳舞俱乐部文化,早已成为全球电子音乐爱好者们的风向标。
Mixmag, as one of the most prestigious and market-recognized electronic music media in the world, was founded in London in 1983 as a niche magazine for DJs. Through continuous exploration and talent scouting in its professional field and constantly delivering quality content, Mixmag has become a globally recognized platform for over 100 million music enthusiasts. Its unique taste in electronic music appreciation and deep promotion of club culture has long been a compass for electronic music lovers worldwide.

△MIXMAG 3月刊封面人物—— Eliza Rose,来自伦敦,单曲《B.O.T.A. (Baddest Of Them All)》让她成为自2000年Sonique以来第一位登上英国单曲榜榜首的女DJ,并获得了英国唱片业协会(BPI)的白金认证。
△Eliza Rose, from London, was featured on the cover of the March edition of MIXMAG. Her single “B.O.T.A. (Baddest Of Them All)” made her the first female DJ to reach the top of the UK singles chart since Sonique in 2000, and earned her a platinum certification from the British Phonographic Industry (BPI).
在 Mixmag 的官网里,你可以接收到广泛的国际俱乐部文化新闻和观点:
On Mixmag’s official website, you can receive extensive international club culture news and perspectives.
例如西欧地下音乐场景的Raver们,正追崇快达200BPM的电子音乐;而大洋彼岸洛杉矶的年轻人们,正抛弃流行EDM,转向充斥着Techno、DnB、Jungle的地下俱乐部 …
For example, Ravers in the underground music scene in Western Europe are chasing electronic music at a fast pace of 200BPM, while young people in Los Angeles are abandoning popular EDM and turning to underground clubs filled with Techno, DnB, and Jungle.

Through in-depth investigations by reporters, you can also learn about the most worthwhile electronic music festivals and club parties worldwide.
MIXMAG goes in-depth on the world’s largest outdoor Techno music festival – Awakenings.

或是跟随编辑部挖掘到当下世界各地最激动人心的电子曲目和专辑, 从Techno到Bass,这里应有尽有:
Or follow the editorial team to discover the most exciting electronic tracks and albums from all over the world, from Techno to Bass, there is everything here.

而定期更新的 The LDN Lab (现场混音节目)和 The Cover Mix (月刊杂志封面混音),更是让不同时区、地区的乐迷们透过屏幕,共同感受先锋音乐艺术家们最新鲜最精彩的混音表演:
Regularly updated features such as The LDN Lab (live mix program) and The Cover Mix (monthly magazine cover mix) allow music enthusiasts from different time zones and regions to experience the freshest and most exciting mix performances of cutting-edge music artists through their screens.

这些丰富多样的资讯和内容,经由 Mixmag 全球 17个国际办事处,翻译成近十种语言,通过文字、图片、影像等多种表达方式,触及并影响着全球超过 1 亿乐迷,如今已成为了人们不可或缺的电子音乐汲取根源。
These diverse information and content are translated into nearly ten languages and presented through various forms such as text, images, and videos, touching and influencing over 100 million music fans worldwide. With 17 international offices, Mixmag has become an indispensable source for people to draw inspiration and insights from the origins of electronic music.
在2017年的时候,Mixmag 才正式进入中国,建立了本土运营团队。并始终遵循着 Mixmag 一贯的专业态度,立足本土电子音乐场景,为国内的乐迷输送来自全球的新鲜电子音乐资讯。
Mixmag officially entered China in 2017 and established a local operating team, adhering to its usual professional attitude and focusing on the local electronic music scene to provide Chinese music enthusiasts with fresh electronic music information from around the world.
你可以在Mixmag China平台第一时间获取到前沿资讯、国外或一线或小众的场景报道、关于音乐本身或关于行业市场的有趣报道;
On the Mixmag China platform, you can obtain cutting-edge information, reports on foreign or top-tier or niche scenes, interesting reports on music itself, or the industry market at the earliest time.
Mixmag China本土团队也从未停止过对本土场景、文化、市场的研究分析:
Mixmag China’s local team has also never stopped researching and analyzing the local scene, culture, and market.
后疫情时代: 中国Club的“场景交换”, 正在传递本土新声音
Mixmag China也从未停止过对线下场景的尝试:促成了Amelie Lens进行亚洲首次连线演出,沙漠里的 Dreamland、树林中的 CEA 以及雪山上的 SKI 都出现了Mixmag舞台的身影;并时刻关注并传递着那些在特殊时期里坚持演出,来自国内地下俱乐部的本土新声……
Mixmag China has also never stopped trying offline scenes. It has facilitated Amelie Lens’ first online performance in Asia and Mixmag’s stage has appeared in Dreamland in the desert, CEA in the forest, and SKI on the snow mountain. It also pays attention to and conveys new voices from local underground clubs who have continued to perform during special periods.

感谢历任团队与前辈为Mixmag China与音乐文化做出的努力,此时此刻,接力棒传到了我们手中:
We are grateful for the efforts of all the past teams and predecessors who have contributed to Mixmag China and music culture. At this moment, the baton has been passed on to us.

我们很荣幸地宣布Mixmag与中国音乐娱乐领先品牌有源文化YYC正式合作,共同组建 Mixmag China 全新运营团队:无论是内容还是场景,文化或是品牌,团队将会在未来保证频率与质量皆稳定的有力输出。
We are pleased to announce that Mixmag has officially partnered with the leading Chinese music and entertainment brand YYC to form a brand new Mixmag China operating team. Whether it’s content or scenes, culture or brands, our team will strive to uphold Mixmag’s standard of excellence in promoting electronic music and club culture in China.
With passion, ambition, diligence, and tirelessness, embrace music.

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