受到疫情影响,MixmagChina 的工作不得不进行了一些调整,但我们没闲着,一直在积极与世界各地的 DJ 产生联系,希望在疫情结束后能将他们带到国内演出。
MixmagChina's work has had to be tweaked recently, but we have been working actively with DJS from around the world and hope to bring them to China in the immediate future
今天我们要介绍的是来自日本的 YOHEI ISHIJIMA,在 DJ 之外,他还是一家IT 公司的 CEO,为雅虎、谷歌提供服务。他的音乐启蒙则能追溯到3岁时就开始学习的小提琴,此后又接受了中提琴、钢琴、电子琴和古典作曲方面的教育。
Today we are going to introduce YOHEI ISHIJIMA from Japan. Besides DJ, he is also the CEO of an IT company, does marketing PR for Google & Yahoo. His musical initiation can be traced back to the beginning of learning violin at the age of 3, after which he received education in viola, piano, electronic organ and classical composition.
我们很好奇,这样一个人,为什么会将热情投注到 DJ 中?他对跳舞音乐的理解是什么?他又怎样将编程与 DJ 两者结合?
We wondered why such a person would put his passion into DJ? What is his understanding of dance music? How does he combine programming with DJ?
Q / 你会很多种乐器,比如小提琴、中提琴、钢琴、电子琴等等,为什么最终将热情奉献给了DJ?
You can play many kinds of instruments, such as violin, viola, piano, electronic organ and so on. Why did you finally dedicate yourself to DJing?
A / 我3岁就开始学小提琴,但真的很无聊,我也没有这方面的天赋。15岁的一天,我偶然听到 Mr. Fingers 的「Can You Feel It」,这首歌让我明白,我所喜欢的那种无穷无尽的、有无数组合可以选择的声音,当把它们组合在一起,可以产生一种神奇的化学反应。这种想法让我开始去 DJ。
I had been teaching violin since the age of three, but I was bored every day because I didn't have any outstanding talent. One day when I was 15 years old, when I listened to Mr. Fingers's Can You Feel It, there are infinite combinations of sounds and sounds to choose from among my favorite infinities, and when I combine them, a chemical reaction can be created. I realized that. And I got into the DJ.
However, at the interview before the university entrance exam, a high school teacher told me, I can't eat with music, it's impossible, stop it. I was convinced for some reason that I was never a musician because my homeroom teacher was a PE teacher. After that, I left college and worked a little and started a business. And the mother died in the same first year of entrepreneurship. After that, the company grew rapidly, the company was selected as the number one in Japan by Google Ads, and the book was a valuable experience such that it could become the first place in the Internet business at Kinokuniya or become the first place overall in Amazon.
但另一方面,我仍期待过一种让我不会后悔的生活,我还没有实现用音乐让别人开心的渴望,这也是我妈妈对我的期待,所以我选择了继续 DJ。
But on the other hand I wanted to live a life that I wouldn't regret when I calculated backwards from the day I died, and I hadn't yet achieved the desire to make people happy with music that was my mother's wish and dream, so I decided to do it.
Q / 这些真实乐器的学习经历,有给你的DJ生涯提供什么帮助吗?
How has learning these real instruments helped you as a DJ?
A / 真实乐器的学习有很多好处。从小的小提琴学习让我有了音准,在管弦乐队学习到的多种声音混合搭配被我运用到 DJ 中,过去的努力和经验也让我更容易地掌握 DJ 技巧。最重要的是,放歌时要了解台下的舞者,这需要一些表演技巧,而我从小就在各种场合登台表演了。
There are many good things about learning real musical instruments. Having learned the violin from an early childhood, I got an absolute pitch, I decomposed the sounds when I mixed multiple sounds I learned in the orchestra, and I use my past efforts and experience in DJ technology. .. And the most important thing is to be aware of our customers while DJing. It means playing on stage, which I've been doing since I was little, so that customers can enjoy it.
In addition, it had an impact on the mind. I had the power to do it. Through violin that I continued from 3 years old to 20 years old, even if I fail, I will succeed if I do it until it succeeds. We know that you can reach your goals by repeating small improvements to succeed, and that your efforts will never betray you.
I am grateful to have been in such an environment, and I think that you have made me aware of the irreplaceability of sharing the same time and experience with the members of the company that I am supporting now and everyone I met.
Q / 很多人会粗暴地把跳舞音乐与 EDM 划等号,对于从小受到良好古典音乐教育的你来说,什么是跳舞音乐?
Many people would roughly equate dance music with EDM. For you, who have received good classical music education since childhood, what is dance music?
A / 我们生活在一个多元化的社会,所以我认为,大家有不同的价值观是可以被理解的。
We are in such a diversified society, so I think it is okay if we have various values.
What is important is what dance music is for you.I would like to have my own WILL. Actually, I was working on the roots of dance music as a university graduation thesis, but I was writing a paper about the roots of dance music and why it came to a record store in Udagawa-cho, Shibuya. At that time, I researched "why people dance." Humans have been dancing since the early days. Actually, I think it's one of the expressions. For me, it's time to assess myself, and it's something I see as my time. Acceptable culture is important.
WILL (Algorithm Music)
Q / 不久前,日本废除了一项反对跳舞音乐的法律,这将给日本跳舞音乐文化带来怎样的帮助?你是怎么回应这件事的?
How will Japan's dance music culture be helped by the recent repeal of a law against dance music? How did you respond to that?
A / 当我听到这一消息时,我有一点期待,但不得不说,如果价值观不变,即使法律修改了,也很难有什么大的变化。
When I heard the news about the revision of the wind management law, I had a little expectation, but even if the wind management law is revised, if the values do not change, other companies will not enter the market.
我曾表达,我应该以时间分割法来 DJ,就像生活一样。但业内的朋友都说:“DJ 的时候怎么能让声音暂停呢?这是不可接受的。”我会尊重过去的想法,因为很重要,但我需要新的机制。我希望人们能想德国那样搭计程车时都在 Techno,如果日本甚至整个亚洲都进步,那么每个人都会很高兴。
One thing I've actually said is that I should be DJing live in a time-divided manner, like live. However, the people in the industry said, "It is not possible for a DJ to stop the sound, it is impossible." I will respect the past thinking because it is important, but I need to get a new mechanism. I want people to be techno when they take a taxi like Germany, and if Japan and Asia as a whole improve, everyone will be happy.
Q / 你希望将远东带入全球舞蹈舞台,你认为东亚的电子音乐场景距离世界最大的差距在哪里?
You want to bring the Far East to the global dance scene. What do you think is the biggest gap between the electronic music scene in East Asia and the world?
A / 我认为跳舞音乐的文化是因日本制造的乐器而成形的。Pioneer 和 Roland 就是很好的例子。换句话说,如果日本能产生一场跳舞音乐浪潮就好了。举个例子,没有一个会做菜刀的厨师能把菜做得很绝。这是很有道理的。有这种感觉是因为我在编程,那些音乐制作软件都是用英语编程的,那些不懂英语的日本人就很难将自己的想法变成作品,这是他们无法受欢迎的鸿沟。
I think that the culture of dance music is formed by using musical instruments developed in Japan. Pioneer and Roland are good examples. In other words, it would have been nice to have a movement in Japan. For example, there is no cook who can cook a kitchen knife but can cook deliciously. I think that means. I felt that because I was programming. Programming is also used for music production, but Japanese who do not understand English are not good at the output that expresses their thoughts and thoughts, so I think that it is a gap that they do not become popular.
从编程的角度看,有一种提升的方法叫做“先尝试,再思考。并越来越快地重复做眼前的一切。”数据驱动的结果是,很多日本乐人发一两首歌就停止了,而发行10首歌以上的 DJ&制作人还不到总数的3%。我另一个发现是,世界上最畅销的 DJ&制作人都发行了超过30首歌。因此,即使你出了一首歌,销量很低,也不要轻易停止。
Thinking from a programming perspective, there is a way to improve it by "try first, then think. Repeat it quickly and quickly." As a result of data-driven, it turned out that the Japanese released one or two songs and ended up, and the number of DJs who released 10 or more songs was less than 3%. I also found out that the top selling DJs in the world have over 30 songs. Therefore, even if you put out a song, the sales rate is low, but in the first place you can not sell unless you put out more than 30 songs.
因此,我们将想到的歌曲分成了大约5种模式,然后发布它们,依照数据驱动结果将作品改良后再次发布,这样做下来的结果不错。之后我继续深入研究,验证什么样的模式可以大卖——最后我收获的结果是,一年内4次进入了 Beatport 新音乐排行榜前十。通过不断改进能够获得成果,所以不要停止创作。
Therefore, we break down the songs we thought of into patterns, create about 5 patterns, release them, and data-driven the results to make improvements and release again. By doing this, the ranking result was good, but I dug deep into the song and verified what kind of pattern could sell. As a result, I think it was a good result to be in the Beatport New Release Ranking four times within the top ten in a year. What do you want to express because your pattern is composed by repeated improvements? I saw around 30 songs.
Q / DJ 生涯之外,你还是一家 IT 公司的CEO,并通过编程表达自己的愿景,你是怎样将编程和 DJ 两个爱好相结合的?
In addition to your DJ career, you are also the CEO of an IT company and express your vision through programming. How did you combine your two hobbies of programming and DJing?
A / 这是一个很棒的问题,谢谢你。“通过编程来表达愿景”,十分恰当了。
I thought it was a very good question. Thank you very much. "We express our vision through programming." Exactly so. I couldn't find the words to express until now, but thanks for teaching me.
我的价值观之一是,当两种不同的价值观碰撞,就会产生新的价值观。比如儿童与编程的结合、歌舞伎与烟花的结合、DJ 搭配混合歌曲等,都能创造出意想不到的体验。
One of my values is that if two values intersect, new value is created. For example, kids x programming fireworks, Kabuki x fireworks, and DJ mixes that combine songs create an unexpected experience.
For example, when I draw pictures, write sentences, and enjoy the fun of making things, I will try again. Those creators are having a creative experience, and they are supposed to be happy that everyone was happy and that it was useful for people.
As with the fireworks display, the fireworks that I think of will rise into the actual sky, so when everyone is happy, that will give the child a lot of confidence.
A child who has experienced that will try to make a different one again, then what is more likely to benefit people? I will continue to make it again.
By believe that by repeating it repeatedly and with difficulty, you will create tools that the world needs, such as tools and apps that the world needs. Integrating everything, regardless of gender, age, race or anything, to create an opportunity for you to experience the creative experience that triggers you.
We are thinking that and this is what I should do and I am acting for.
Q / 近来,编程音乐正逐渐兴起,这种音乐现场将传统的 DJ 设备置于次要,而依靠敲击代码来演奏音乐,你怎样看待这种音乐形式?它代表着未来趋势吗?
What do you think of the recent rise of live coding music, a music scene that puts traditional DJ equipment on the back side and plays music by tapping code? Does it represent the future?
A / 我认为这是种多样化的表达方式。如果你在创作歌曲,或表达某种情绪时需要有这个过程,那就应该这么做。这部分与我的品牌相关,但 live coding 是种逆向编程的老方法,因为近来的软件都不这么做了。刻意表现出方法使用的手段不太新颖,但这是改进 DJ 的尝试之一,它会以很少改变歌曲和结束来进行表演,所以我个人认为这是个好主意。
I think it's a diversification of expressions. If you need that process when you are building a song or mood towards the sound or goal you want to express, I think you should incorporate it. I think it's the part related to my branding, but for example, live coding is the old way of coding reverse software because recent software is programmed in a normal way. Using the method of showing dare is not a new method, but I think that DJ is trying to improve something because it is a performance with few actions that change songs and finish, so improve it I think it's a good idea.
I'm not in a position to say anything about people, so it would be great if there was a vector to enjoy music.
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Q / 最后,你最近在听什么类型的歌,可以给我们分享一两首吗?
Finally, what kind of music have you been listening to lately? Can you share one or two songs with us?
A / 我最近在听的可能算不上音乐,就是一些立体声和4K的雨声。
Recently, it may not be music, but I often hear stereophonic sounds and 4K rain sounds.
The reason is that if you don't intentionally restrict the input of information because there is too much information in the world, information that is not related to you will not be able to catch up with your brain's information processing, so assets that you do not dare to recognize as information I am choosing.
Follow YOHEI
YOHEI 从3岁起就开始接受小提琴、中提琴、钢琴、电子琴和古典作曲方面的教育,并在很多场合中进行过现场表演。15岁时,他对 Minimal 和现代风格的音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,随后便投身于音乐世界中。在 DJ 之外,他27岁时开始了另一个身份:创办 Mr. Fusion 并在日本各地主持编程课程。通过编程表达他的愿景,展示来自世界各地的编程艺术和声音装置范例,“传播创造的力量”。他的 Techno 现场常常能在涉谷的 CONTACT 俱乐部看到。
YOHEI began his illustrious education in violin, viola, piano, Electone, and classic composition from the age of 3 years old, performing live at countless events. His interest in minimal and modern styles of music blossomed at the age of 15, and he subsequently devoted himself to a career in music. On top of his active work as a DJ, he started crafting a parallel career at the age of 27, establishing Mr. Fusion and hosting programming classes throughout Japan. Through programming that expresses his vision, "Spreading the power to create," he demonstrates examples of programming art and sound installations from around the world. His work as a techno DJ can be witnessed live at CONTACT in Shibuya.

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